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Startup Activity

Preloading Activity

An activity to be executed in background on startup (regardless if some project was opened or not).

See PreloadingActivity.

To register:

<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
  <preloadingActivity implementation="com.example.CatPreloadingActivity"/>

Startup Activity

An activity to be executed as part of project opening, under 'Loading Project' dialog. Can't be registered by plugins.

To register: StartupManager.registerStartupActivity or

<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
  <startupActivity implementation="com.example.CatStartupActivity"/>

Post Startup Activity

An activity to be executed after project opening.

If activity implements DumbAware, it is executed after project is opened on a background thread with no visible progress indicator and regardless of the current indexing mode. Otherwise, it is executed on EDT and when indexes are ready.

To register: StartupManager.registerPostStartupActivity or

<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
  <postStartupActivity implementation="com.example.CatStartupActivity"/>

See also backgroundPostStartupActivity that acts as postStartupActivity but is executed with 5 seconds delay after project opening.